Attorneys Gauteng – Louis & Associates

Welcome to Louis & Associates

About Us

Founder of Louis & Associates, Kevin Louis, was awarded a Bachelor of Laws (BA LLB) in 1990, from the University of Witwatersrand. With more than two decades of experience in South African law, he heads up the attorneys firm in Gauteng which offers services in constitutional law, commercial and corporate litigation, administrative law, construction law, labour law, matrimonial and family law, property law and insolvency law.

Louis & Associates understands the nature of litigation which typically is over drawn, mentally exhausting and depletes resources to which it provides strategic legal counsel for tackling various legal issues.

Administrative Law

This aspect of law regulates the activities of bodies that perform public functions or exercise public powers. It allows administrative officials to implement policies or programs, and limits the exercise of power by requiring all administrative action meet the minimum requirements of fairness, lawfulness and reasonableness.

Other Services We Offer

Labour law, which supervises the relationship between employees, employers and trade unions. This relationship is categorized by contractual agreements in which the employee renders services for certain remuneration during a specified period. This body of law deals with the disputes and issues which arise from the above

Family law, which deals with domestic and family-related matters, such as issues arising from domestic partnerships like civil unions or marriage; issues related to children like adoption and surrogacy, child abuse and child abduction, paternity testing and or fraud; and the termination of relationships and ancillary matters, including divorce, annulment, property settlements, spousal support, child custody and support and other issues falling under the jurisdiction of family law.

Property law, which covers all aspects of the law in that it includes private law in terms of specific types of legal objects, whether incorporeal or corporeal along with public law relations with a proprietary character, and the resultant interests and rights. The law of property defines and classifies proprietary rights and also determines the methods by which they are acquired, lost and protected, as well as the consequences of their exercise

Corporation litigation, which is often used by numerous businesses as an enforcement tool. Agreements that are usually enforced by the use of corporate litigation include non-solicitation, non-compete and non-disclosure agreements. Commercial real estate disputes are a large area of corporate litigation such as default on commercial leases, financing, and buying and selling of commercial real estate. While primarily litigation includes court, transactions-based services can be offered.

Contact Us

For professional qualified attorneys who put you first, contact Louis & Associates

Tel: 011 023 9690